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Donald E. Low Bursary

The Donald E. Low Bursary Fund was established in honor of Dr. Low who served as the Microbiologist-in-Chief of the Department of Microbiology, Mount Sinai Hospital for more than 25 years.  He was recognized as a leader in Microbiology and Infectious Diseases both nationally and internationally.  It was his wish that this bursary be established to allow an individual who was studying or practicing in the field of microbiology to either travel to the Department of Microbiology at Mount Sinai Hospital or another Microbiology laboratory to expand their knowledge in the field either by learning a new laboratory technique, management tool, or other relevant skill related to microbiology.  The fund was established in September 2013 and is based on generous donations from individuals, industry, professional organizations, and others.


  • Eligible applicants include individuals studying microbiology at an Ontario university (undergraduate, graduate or postgraduate level), postdoctoral trainees, residents training in medical or clinical microbiology or infectious diseases or other related discipline in an accredited training program in Ontario, and medical microbiology technologists who are certified to practice in Ontario.
  • Individuals who hold a staff appointment in a hospital and/or university are not eligible.  For those who are uncertain regarding their eligibility, please contact the Microbiologist-in-Chief, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto who will review the qualifications of the individual and make a determination regarding eligibility.

Application Qualifications and Process:

Applications will be accepted on an annual basis from April 1st to August 30th each year.  Following review of the applications, the number of awards granted will depend on the quality of the applications and the total amount of funds available in a particular year (maximum amount for any one awardee will be $4500).

  • Interested individuals should submit the following information to the Microbiologist-in-Chief, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto prior to the application deadline of August 30th each year:
    • Completed Application form
    • Curriculum Vitae/Resume
    • 2 Reference Letters (sent directly to the Chair of the review committee at the address below)
    • A letter from their current supervisor/lab director supporting their planned study/work experience related to the bursary application
    • A letter from the Director/Chief of the Laboratory where the individual will be attending
    • Confirmation that they will present their new knowledge/experience at an appropriate rounds/seminar/meeting to their current laboratory group and/or a broader audience with interest in the field of microbiology.  This must take place within 6 months of their return
    • Applications and reference letters should be submitted to:
      Department of Microbiology
      Mount Sinai Hospital
      600 University Ave, Rm. 1487
      Toronto, ON  M5G 1X5


The award will be presented to the successful candidate(s) by the chair of the review committee upon submission of all receipts related to the learning experience supported by the bursary. The bursary must be used within one year of being awarded or will otherwise be revoked and will be carried forward to subsequent years. The Bursary must only be used for travel and other expenses related to studying at/visiting/conducting research at a clinical or research microbiology laboratory within Canada.  It cannot be used to attend a conference or to enroll in a course.