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A listing of selected presentations and conference abstracts that include data and/or isolates from TIBDN surveillance.

Did the 2009 influenza pandemic change influenza prevention, diagnosis and management? Evidence from surveillance for influenza-associated hospitalisation in Canada

A. MCGEER, K. GREEN, R. DEVLIN, J. DOWNEY, S. DREWS, J. GUBBAY, K. KATZ, D. E. LOW, C. MA, T. MAZZULLI, M. MULLER, A. PLEVNESHI, J. POWIS, W. RUDNICK, A. SARABIA, A. SIMOR for the Toronto Invasive Bacterial Diseases Network (TIBDN). 22nd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. London, United Kingdom. 3/31/2012.

MCGEER_TIBDN_FLUpost2009_ECCMID_2012.pdf — PDF document, 233 kB (239,469 bytes)

Epidemiology and clinical features of severe influenza in adults: 7 years of surveillance in Toronto, Canada

K. HASSAN, R. DEVLIN, J. DOWNEY, S. DREWS, K. GREEN, J. GUBBAY, K. KATZ, D. LOW, C. MA, T. MAZZULLI, M. MULLER, A. PLEVNESHI, J. POWIS, W. RUDNICK, A. SARABIA, A. SIMOR, A. MCGEER for the Toronto Invasive Bacterial Diseases Network (TIBDN). 22nd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. London, United Kingdom. 3/31/2012.

HASSAN_TIBDN_FLUadult_EPI_ECCMID_2012.pdf — PDF document, 214 kB (220,112 bytes)

Epidemiology of severe infection due to influenza A (H1N1) and A (H3N2): Are there differences?

A. REBBAPRAGADA, S. PERUSINI, J. BLAIR, S. DREWS, K. GREEN, A. PLEVNESHI, D. E. LOW, A. MCGEER, the Toronto Invasive Bacterial Diseases Network (TIBDN). 49th Annual Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. San Francisco, CA. 09/12/2009.

REBBAPRAGADA_TIBDN_FLU_H1vsH3_ICAAC_2009.pdf — PDF document, 98 kB (101,150 bytes)

A comparison of clinical features and outcomes of hospitalization due to seasonal and pandemic influenza A (H1N1)

A. REBBAPRAGADA, S. DREWS, K. GREEN, J. GUBBAY, D. E. LOW, A. MCGEER, the Toronto Invasive Bacterial Diseases Network (TIBDN). 49th Annual Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. San Francisco, CA. 09/12/2009.

BEAULIEU_TIBDN_FLU seasonal and pandemic_IDSA_2010.pdf — PDF document, 97 kB (99,855 bytes)

Factors associated with mortality in severe disease due to influenza in adults in Toronto, Canada, 2005-2008

A. PLEVNESHI, A. MCGEER, K. GREEN, S. DREWS, D.E. LOW for the Toronto Invasive Bacterial Diseases Network (TIBDN). 48th Annual Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Washington, DC. 10/25/2008.

PLEVNESHI_TIBDN_FLU_Mortality_ICAAC_2008.pdf — PDF document, 112 kB (115,513 bytes)

Frequency of influenza causing hospital admission in a highly vaccinated adult population

J. STARES, S. DREWS, I. DAVIS, J. DOWNEY, K. KATZ, D. ROSE, A. SARABIA, A. E. SIMOR, K. GREEN, D. E. LOW, A. MCGEER, the Toronto Invasive Bacterial Diseases Network (TIBDN). 48th Annual Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Washington, DC. 10/25/2008.

STARES_TIBDN_FLU_MedAdmit_ICAAC_2008.pdf — PDF document, 66 kB (68,177 bytes)